41 Think first!
Richard Feynman, Nobel laureate in
Physics, explained that he maximized his utility by multiplying
the need for a task by his ability to perform it. People regarded
some things more urgent than physics research, but his skill set
did not match those other needs. Society thrives by combining the
talents of diverse workers. It takes all of us.
People do not always behave logically.
Emotions carry more weight; we do the things about which we
feel best. Sometimes that coincides with logic. Previous
articles have considered resolving differences in people’s
perceptions and expectations. We are hard-wired for
collaboration, and the ability to harmonize is critically
important to our survival.
George Washington is
praised for understanding that people need to be led, not driven.
Government as a contest of wills is travesty. Success at the
expense of others is obscenity. Achievement is not the state of
being against something. This blog exists to promote
success through togetherness. This means happily pursuing science
to lead all of us, not to control some of us.
Being as diverse as we are, we do well to
acknowledge that compelled uniformity is not unity. Taking time
to reach agreement makes a better outcome than blindly enforcing
the first proposal to be advanced.
Article 6 of this blog stated, “patience is a
long path to the right goal”;
article 31,
“patience is strength spread out over time leading to
useful movement.” Deferred gratification (taking a reward
after completing the preparation) is a major enabler of
long-term success.
One of my early teachers said, “take all
the time you need, but hurry.” Today’s article is my assurance
that “hurry” does not mean “get it wrong.” One company asked, “do
you want it right now, or do you want it right?” I
encourage us to do our research: think first!
Being For Others Blog copyright © 2020 Kent Busse
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